Greyhound Trust Hall Green - Wilsons to the Rescues

After launching our Wilsons to the Rescues campaign last year, we're thrilled to be able to support rescue dogs across the UK by donating food for every bag we sell.

One of the fantastic Rescue Centres we are currently supporting is The Greyhound Trust Hall Green. We were recently able to send out the first donation of food to the dogs there and were thrilled to hear they enjoyed our Cold Pressed dog food!

We spoke to Steve at the centre to find out more about the fantastic work they do...

"Greyhounds make great pets for all kinds of individuals and families and the Hall Green branch is part of the national charity, The Greyhound Trust, who have over 50 branches spread throughout Great Britain who are promoting them.

Our branch has two re-homing kennels in the West Midlands: one near Stourbridge, the other in Sutton Coldfield nr Lichfield. 

GT Hall Green aims to find loving homes for as many retired ex-racing greyhounds as possible across the Midlands and further afield having assisted in the homing of a greyhound in Canada!

We believe that every greyhound deserves to be loved as someone’s pet and enjoy their retirement to the full  working with all ages of volunteers and adopters. 

Our unpaid volunteers give up their time and work hard to ensure we make this happen for as many greyhounds as we can, and who on top of ensuring we can home around 200 dogs per year, help us raise the funds we need to care for these greyhounds whilst they are with us at the kennels. Every penny raised goes back to looking after the 40+ greyhounds in our care as the Branch is virtually self-funding."

Find out more about the charity at and find out more about our fantasitc campaign here >